Interacting with DeckGL

Interactivity with DeckGL

Interactivity comes in a couple different forms with DeckGL.

  • Controll the Viewport: :controller="true" :controlMap="true" ship by default, but these properties enable DeckGL/Mapbox to respond to viewState changes via mouse drag, scroll,etc.

Interacting with onHover and adding Tooltips

With DeckGL we can hook into either DeckGL's getTooltip event or a Layer's individual onHover event. Both callbacks look effectively the same.

  • DeckGL: :getTooltip="CALLBACK
  • Layer: :onHover="CALLBACK"

DeckGL provides two options as you may want to handle a individual type of Layers onHover differently. Like rendering different tooltips.

A tooltip in this case is just a HTML element that we render in our templates using a v-if.

  <div id="example-deck-tooltip" v-if="deckTooltipHovered" :style="hoverPosition">
      <p>valuePerSqm: {{deckHoveredData.valuePerSqm}}</p>
      <p>Growth: {{deckHoveredData.growth}}</p>

  return {
    deckTooltipHovered: false,
    deckHoveredData: {x:0, y:0, valuePerSqm: 0, growth:0}
computed: {
      hoverPosition: function () {
        return {
            'position': 'absolute',
            'left': (this.deckHoveredData.x + 30) + 'px',
            'top': (this.deckHoveredData.y + + 30) + 'px'
methods: {
  deckTooltipCallback({x,y, picked, object}){
          this.deckTooltipHovered = false
      this.deckTooltipHovered = true
      this.deckHoveredData.x = x
      this.deckHoveredData.y = y
      this.deckHoveredData.valuePerSqm =
      this.deckHoveredData.growth =
<style scoped>

We implement a tooltip by doing the following

  • Create a HTML element that will hold data that we conditionally render and provide style to.
  • Create data for Vue to be reactive on.
  • Generate a computed style property that will render the Tooltip in the location of the values that come back from the Hover event.
  • Create a callback for getTooltip that destructures that data provided.
  • Create some default styling for a tooltip that won't change.

To implement this at a Layer level, we would only need to change the following:

  <div id="example-deck-tooltip" v-if="deckTooltipHovered" :style="hoverPosition">
      <p>valuePerSqm: {{deckHoveredData.valuePerSqm}}</p>
      <p>Growth: {{deckHoveredData.growth}}</p>

Advanced: Picking Objects

We have also exposed the picking engine of DeckGL through a public facing API which you can access by a ref on the DeckGL component.

  <DeckGL ref="deck"></DeckGL>


    this.$refs.deck.pickObject(100, 100, 0, null, false)
  • If you had a pickable: true layer in that location, it would return back the the object in that position.

For full details, see the docs.